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A Very Special Shrew Bow

Our special Green glass gives our bows a very classic look. We use it regularly in our Shrew Bows because many American bow hunters love the look of this nostalgic color in their bows. It's like stepping back in time!

Green glass on bows takes us back to the early years of archery in America. The days when Frank Eichholtz, Howard Hill, Fred Bear and other bow makers paved the way for traditional archery to become what it is today. These men long ago laid the foundation stones for today's world of traditional archery.

This is a very unique fiberglass because it doesn't have a solid green surface. Despite its rich color, we have given this glass a measure of transparency that allows the beauty of the wood laminations under the glass to show through. When you look, you can see the stunning contrasting grain of the Makassar laminations shimmering through the opaque green glass on our Shrew Bow Classic Hunter II.

It is a very unique and classy look!

We are pleased to share a video with you below made by an American bow hunter describing his appreciation for the effect and the very special attributes of this translucent green glass on his new Shrew bow!

Here is a view of the green Shrew Bow

It's a very special look that evokes a lot of nostalgia!

How do you like the green Shrew Bow?

We would like you to send us your opinion of our special Shrew Bow with the translucent green fiberglass:

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Ron LaClair Green

Green Shrew Limb

Bowhunting Shrew

Henry Bodnik Instinctive Archery

All of our archery courses and seminars are designed to teach archers how to use a bow and arrow in a natural, instinctive way.

Instinctive Archery with Henry Bodnik

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